WPRD Manifesto

Greetings Superhero,

Today, just like every other day brings with it, its usual commitments. Moreseo, in our profession where we rarely get a day off. There’s always a story to tell, an opinion to shape, a narrative to sell.

In our not-so-little ways, we form the bedrock of society. A society which is now more than ever, being shaped by propaganda. We are the custodians of the narratives, we are the storytellers and we are the ones who devise the means, the mannerisms that control the media. We may not have the capes, or the accolades, but we are heroes, and every hero deserves his day.

Every hero deserves to be recognised, every hero deserves to be appreciated. Not just for the immensely long hours, not just for the endless meetings with clients, not just for this labour of love, but for who you are – A PR Practitioner.

The World PR Day presents opportunities for public relations and marketing communications practitioners across the globe to unite and stake a claim for the practice. World PR Day will be held annually on July 16 and will be a day dedicated to truth, honesty and reputation management in a way that is beneficial to all humans across the globe.

We’ve chosen the date July 16th to pay homage to one of the forefathers of our noble profession. Ivy Lee was born on the same day in 1877, and he spent most of his life changing the way people perceive public relations. His legacy paved the way for us, and we now have a chance to carry on his great legacy and continue to stake a claim for Public Relations across the world.

The World PR Day will present a unified global agenda towards making the world understand and utilize PR better. One day to recognise our strengths, one day to acknowledge our weaknesses, one day to make a statement and one day to remind ourselves that we have the power to shape the world forever.

Public Relations has come a long way in the last decade, and as we continue to evolve, it is important that we recognise the immense work needed to get this noble profession to the pedestal that it fully deserves.

Join us as we take these baby steps to greatness, safe in the knowledge that our future depends on what you do today. We may not know what the future holds, but we know that together we have the power to shape the future, not just for us but for the future generation of PR practitioners, and most importantly, for every one we share this planet with.

It is our call of duty, to help people, companies and governments communicate more honestly and responsibly and help them to be more deliberate about using public relations to build, innovate and develop. No one else is better placed, better skilled, better equipped to do it than you and I.

And yes, this is a huge burden, but every superhero knows that with great power comes great responsibility.

We can change the world, we will change the world.

It is possible.